Why do kids “Fail” to make it to the Finish Line in Youth Sports?

Why did we develop this forum?

Physical fitness of children is on a rapid decline due to school cuts in traditional PE programs and lack of physical activity. With this in mind, the role of youth sports couldn’t be more important.  But selecting the right program, coach and sport is critical to youth athletes having the standing power to make it to the “finish line.” This is the reasoning behind  Sportoroo. It was created to provide a place to locate, rate and communicate all things related to youth sports.
Why did we develop this forum?
Over 45 million children are engaged in youth sports annually, BUT did you know 70% of those youth athletes quit by the age of 13 years old? The question we all need to ask is WHY? And how do we alter the quit rate to become significantly lower.  According to the Centers for Disease Control 2010 study, active children have better weight control, academic achievement, mental health, and a decreased risk of heart disease and a lower likelihood of diabetes.  So, with all those benefits why would kids and parents not have the staying power to continue in youth sports past the age of 13?
The Why is often attributed to poor coaching or poor administration of club programs.  It also is parents aligning with the wrong club/sport for their budding athlete based on lack of information to make the right decision for their family and child. 
Many parents and athletes assume incorrectly, that National sporting organizations like AAU and USA Sports monitor, advise discipline youth sport organizations and coaches or even terminate them as a club for poor or egregious performance[JB1] .  The TRUTH is their purpose is to organize tournaments and provide insurance to the athletes via the clubs.  Not all coaches have background checks or training to even be considered qualified or be around young athletes.  The statistics tell the real story, approximately four million out of 7.5 million youth and school coaches are volunteers (typically parents or teachers).  Fewer than 5 percent [JB2] of youth sport coaches have relevant training among those coaching middle and high school kids only 25% have some training.  The truth is anyone can start a club no matter what their pure intentions are or qualifications.
Based on my experience, I have personally witnessed coaches physically abusing athletes, having sexual relationships with underage athletes, inviting players to stay with them in their room alone without a parent, coaches being terminated for child pornography, mental abuse of athletes, over doing training creating injuries to promising athletes due to overuse, disorganization, lack of communication, coaches with felony records who were allowed to coach, body shaming of female athletes, poor nutritional counseling, and working the system with doctors to get that athlete back on the court before they are safely ready to do so.  This is just a start of the issues that we witnessed while my children participated during the last 14 years in club sports.  But parents often are afraid to speak up or share their experiences for fear of retaliation.  Parents think that based on clubs’ self-declaration of being the largest or #1 that they can depend on this information to make an educated decision.  Unfortunately, being the largest or having a raking by one organization doesn’t make it the best for your athlete.
That is why we created Sportoroo, we wanted to create a safe and confidential forum that allows parents to locate sports clubs based on ratings and comments from previous families to allow YOU to be in control of your child’s destiny.  We have researched and provided over 300,000 options for you to rate or locate athletic clubs and organizations on our new and improved website.
How can you help this cause, sign up for FREE, rate your club, and participate in the community forum for parents to gather information to make the CORRECT and informed choice for your family.
Start today by clicking here and setting up your profile, www.sportoroo.com rate your club and add a post to the forum and you will be off to the races. 

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